Don't spend 20+ hours researching pay transparency laws. I did that for you.

Get our pay transparency tracker below

It seems like our days move faster. The speed makes it harder to keep up.

Even as I typed out our latest guide on updating job descriptions and job postings to comply with pay transparency - new laws went into effect.

Vermont just passed theirs, which I had in our guide, but so did Minnesota, which I missed. Then, DC put pay transparency into effect yesterday (June 30th).

Luckily, one of our subscribers shot me a note and I updated the guide in real time for everyone (thank you! <3)

Transparency is gaining steam - and it’s hard to keep up with the requirements.

So instead of you spending 20+ hours doing the research I decided to do it for you.

I've put together a live pay transparency tracker so you can:

  • Stay up to date on pay transparency laws per state

  • Get quick access to a summary of requirements

  • Have a central resource for links to legislation

  • Share your knowledge to help your peers

In the tracker you get…

  • Bulleted summaries of the requirements per state

  • Source links to state legislation for additional research

  • Information on states considering legislation & updates as they pass

  • A living document that will be updated as pay transparency evolves

Save this tracker as a favorite - I’ll be keeping it up to date as often as I hear requirements change and laws pass.

To help make that a reality- If you have knowledge of requirements that are not in this tracker, reply to this email to share.

I’ll update the guide in real-time for everyone.

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